Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally - Project Runway is coming back!

Ok. Forget all the bad budget news, and summer ending, and all that sad stuff.
Project Runway starts again tonight and we are all ready... are you? Please participate in the poll on the right bar!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Rain Crowd

What happened to hot lazy days? The library has been a zoo - smells like the hippo house, is as noisy as the small mammal house and it's just crazy, crazy, crazy. The rising damp adds another element - moulds growing and spreading - just makes me feel creepy all over. Probably will have washed my hands raw by the end of this week!

Although - our SRC kickoff was a lot of fun. Suz did a fab job of coming up with creative activities, and the kids seemed to have a lovely time.

It was interesting, at the decorate-a-crab station, which I was monitoring, watching the parents (or caregivers) and kids interacting. How many Moms controlled their impulses and let the kids do their own thing - and how many others (more nanny types in this group I think), just had to add some helpful suggestions (or worse, take the shell out of the kid's hand and print their message).

As usual it's the observing the human element that is what sticks.

Then wonderful to come home to peace and quiet and a good book.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Web 2.0 exploring madness in our corner this afternoon. Whooee, sharing and muttering. Great fun.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Poetry Contest part 2

Sorry for the confusion - the poetry blog is at


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Poetry Contest

Oh how could I forget to mention the Poetry Contest? I've added it to my blog list over on the right hand side (RhymingReason's blog) - but please take a look. We've had lots of entries, although no schools yet (am hoping to get a little pile of poems soon from at least one of the schools - I know, dream on).

In case it isn't immediately obvious - the theme is "pets".


Warm afternoon in the library and have spent (again) way too much time with web 2.0. Friend had an idea for twitter that finally made sense to me - twittering in haiku. I like it!! So I've started.
While at computers in libraries recently, was quite surprised at how many people twitter all the time. Can't say I really get it. I don't necessarily think people want to read my blog - why would they? So why would they want to hear my twits? I'm sure there are so called - important applications - but not that have anything to do with me.
It's fun and silly, and quite frankly - that's enough reason to do it!!

Enjoy the sunshine you lucky non-working types!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ready to be delicious

Counting down this morning to an online class about delicious bookmarking. I've already confessed in my preclass assignment that during 23 things I just didn't "get" the point. That is, I can see how it would be lovely to access my bookmarks from any old computer, but when I go to the delicious site, it just seems confusing and overwhelming.

Here's the thing. My favorites give me an illusion of control over the web; I have these sites that I know I can count on for various things, right? Then I go to delicious and see the billion other sites that other folks have bookmarked, and wham, I'm back into the sea of knowing my little bit of knowledge is no "control" at all!

The older I get, the more I know that I know so little!