Monday, August 25, 2008


Have been spending way too much time today in flickr, playing with photos.
Had some trouble posting photos to this blog.

Oddly enough I had no trouble sending a photo of Zorro to the blog I've been setting up for teen read week (should I do the big reveal here, now? why not - no, I'll wait for a bit). Anyway, we're hoping to hold another writing project for trw. This one won't be a contest, but figuring out how to describe it is a bit of a bother. I've settled on "project" but don't like that much. Anyway, posted a picture of our lovely Hallowe'en cat to that blog, but for some reason flickr won't pick up the address to this one. I've finally in desperation, sent an email message to the flickrs hoping they'll figur (sic) it out.

But then I did find the cool badge thing, so have stuck a bunch of little photos there, and am now content with my flickr expertise. It's good enough.
So be it.

(Although I may find myself back there playing a little more... later.....)

1 comment:

The EEB said...

Very cool flickr feature. And it doesn't seem to be eating up bandwidth (at least not at 9:25 a.m.)